
GET Assets/{id}

Method used to fetch a collection of Assets.

GET Assets/Admin/{id}

Method used to fetch a collection of Administration Assets.

GET Query/Assets/{id}

Method used to query a collection of Assets.

GET Query/Assets/Info/{id}

Method used to get query information for Assets.


GET Auth/{id}?Email={Email}

Method used to provide an authentication token for API use.


POST CMDB/Asset/{id}

Method used via a CMDB to create a new Asset or update an existing one.

POST CMDB/DataChange/{id}

Method used via a CMDB to update CSI Data on an existing asset.


GET Invoice/{id}

Method used to fetch a collection of Invoices.

GET Invoice/Assets/{id}

Method used to fetch a collection of Invoice Assets.

GET Query/InvoiceAssets/{id}

Method used to query a collection of Invoice Assets.

GET Query/InvoiceAssets/Info/{id}

Method used to get query information for Invoice Assets.

GET Query/Invoices/{id}

Method used to query a collection of Invoices.

GET Query/Invoices/Info/{id}

Method used to get query information for Invoices.


GET LeaseInProcess/{id}

Method used to fetch a collection of Leases In Process.

GET LeaseInProcess/Assets/{id}

Method used to fetch a collection of Lease In Process Assets.

GET Query/LeaseInProcess/{id}

Method used to query a collection of Leases In Process.

GET Query/LeaseInProcess/Info/{id}

Method used to get query information for Leases In Process.

GET Query/LeaseInProcessAssets/{id}

Method used to query a collection of Lease In Process Assets.

GET Query/LeaseInProcessAssets/Info/{id}

Method used to get query information for Lease In Process Assets.


GET Leases/{id}

Method used to fetch a collection of Leases.


GET Query/ReturnItem/{id}

Method used to query a collection of Return Items.

GET Query/ReturnItem/Info/{id}

Method used to get query information for Return Items.

GET Query/ReturnShipment/{id}

Method used to query a collection of Return Shipments.

GET Query/ReturnShipment/Info/{id}

Method used to get query information for Return Shipments.

GET Return/{id}

Method used to fetch a collection of Returns.

GET Return/Items/{id}

Method used to fetch a collection of Returns Items.


GET Query/Schedules/{id}

Method used to query a collection of Schedules.

GET Query/Schedules/Info/{id}

Method used to get query information for Schedules.

GET Schedules/{id}

Method used to fetch a collection of Schedules.

GET Schedules/Admin/{id}

Method used to fetch a collection of Administration Schedules.